what we do

We are working on methods and tools for extracting information from large matrix-valued data (think very large spreadsheets) that are common in modern biology. Examples include technologies such as transcriptomics, metabolomics, and high-throughput genetic screens. We are using a number of complementary approaches including bilinear models, penalized regression, multivariate kernel regression, matrix factorization, and gradient-based optimization techniques.

We have developed a number of software packages in the Julia programming language, a new promising language for scientific computing and data science: MatrixLM/MatrixLMnet (penalized matrix linear models), FlxQTL (multivariate linear mixed models for genetic mapping), BulkLMM/LiteQTL (real-time eQTL mapping), and GeneNetworkAPI/MetabolomicsWorkbenchAPI (interface to GeneNetwork and Metabolomics Workbench databases and computational tools).

joining the research group

If you are interested in joining the research group please reach out to me by email.

Regardless of the type of research experience you are seeking, I will likely want to ask:

śaunak sen

I am Professor and Chief of Biostatistics, Department of Preventive Medicine, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, in Memphis, TN. I develop statistical methods for understanding biological systems using genetic variation and high-dimensional data. Current interests include developing statistical approaches for matrix-valued high-throughput data, computational methods for large-scale linear mixed models, and statistical computing using the Julia programming language.

I obtained my BSc (Hons) in Statistics from the University of Calcutta, followed by a MStat from the Indian Statistical Institute. I came to the United States to pursue my graduate studies obtaining a PhD in statistics from the University of Chicago under Augustine Kong. After postdoctoral stints at Stanford University and the Jackson Laboratory, I joined UCSF as an assistant professor in 2002, and joined UTHSC as Chief of Biostatistics in 2015.


Mailing address:
Department of Preventive Medicine
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
645 Doctors Office Building
66 North Pauline Street, Memphis, TN 38163-2181

Phone: +1.901.448.4590
Fax: +1.901.448.7041
Email: sen@uthsc.edu
Twitter: @saunaksen
Orcid: 0000-0003-4519-6361